Jun 29, 2005


1st Place Biomed Nationals: Ha, Asif, Darren, Neil.

Holy crap. Congratulations guys; y'all definitely earned it.

A Welch post is forthcoming.

Jun 4, 2005

One and Two

Two things:

1. Yes, I will be gone from June 4th to July 9th. I will be doing a chemistry research internship at Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas with about ten other high schoolers going into their senior year, under the Welch Summer Scholar's Program. I will have my cell phone, will have access to the Internet (email and AIM), and will have a mailing address (hint hint):

Nirav Sanghani
Texas Tech University
Chemistry and Biochemistry Department
Box 41061
Lubbock, TX 79406

Also, my dorm room's phone number is 806-724-0985.

2. If you want a few volunteer hours and are free this Monday at 5:30 to go to the Alley Theater, call Naveed Nanjee (a Hightower student) at 713-876-5941. The Music Heals charity organization (which he created) is holding a charity chamber music concert/competition. All proceeds go to the Bush-Clinton Tsunami fund. Go volunteer and help him out!

Have a great summer!

That will be all.